Marco Del Pin ئاپەکان

ePrex Liturgy of the Hours 1.2
Marco Del Pin
The app ePrex was born as a personal projectto make up for my laziness than having to browse in the Psalter inthe morning when it is still a bit sleepy.Over time it has proven to be a valued tool beyond my expectationsand consequently increased the users ' needs and ideas forimprovement.If you like the App and want it to be improved, you can contributewith a donationFor information, visit the website http://www.eprexapp.itYou can contact me at this email
ePrex Lite 2.0
Marco Del Pin
Generatore perpetuo delle lodi del giorno +letture dell'ufficio senza necessitare di connessioneinternet.Generator perpetualpraise of the day + readings office without the need for internetconnection.
ePrex Liturgie des Heures 1.1
Marco Del Pin
Disponibles à la liturgie complète des heures et les massiveslectures du jour. L'application Eprex est né comme un projetpersonnel pour compenser ma paresse d'avoir à "naviguer" dans lePsautier le matin quand vous êtes encore un peu endormi. Au fil dutemps révélée un instrument apprécié au-delà de mes attentes et parconséquent ont également augmenté les besoins et les idéesutilisateur d'amélioration. Pour plus d'informations visitez Vous pouvez me contacter à cette
ePrex Escrivá 1.0
Marco Del Pin
I testi Cammino Solco e Forgia, ad ogni selezione viene presentatoun punto a caso.
ePrex Liturgia delle Ore 2.8.1
Marco Del Pin
Generator Perpetual hours of the day without the need for internetconnection.
ePrex Liturgia de las Horas 1.18
Marco Del Pin
Generator perpetual hour without the need for an internetconnection
ePrex Bibbia 1.2
Marco Del Pin
Bible C.E.I. 2008 version with references
ePrex Vangelo a caso 1.3
Marco Del Pin
Seleziona ad ogni avvio un vangelo a caso.
In ascolto di Don Ottorino 2.4
Marco Del Pin
The transcript of the preaching of Father Ottorino Zanon